Irrigation Canal

The present Kalinjur Surplus canal carries the overflown water from Kalinjur lake which has become a rare scenario. In recent times the canal has been pumped with only untreated sullage from the households diverting into the Palar river. The new proposal puts a STP in viruthampattu of capacity 50 MLD which treats sewage from all these wards and diverts the treated water into Pandiyan canal which is the irrigation canal carrying surplus from kalinjur lake which is pretty much empty or has less water throughout the year. Thus the treated water can be used for irrigation on its way to Palar river. The STP is assisted with SPS (Sewage Pump Station) 10 pump the sewage to higher regions. There are 3 SPS proposed in this subproject placed in Kangeyanallur. Viruthampattu and Sathuperi.

Urban Redevelopment project | Katpadi

Sathish V | Amurdha Sudharsen S

The present Kalinjur Surplus canal carries the overflown water from Kalinjur lake which has become a rare scenario. The new proposal puts a STP in viruthampattu of capacity 50 MLD which treats sewage from all these wards and diverts the treated water into Pandiyan canal which is the irrigation canal carrying surplus from Kalinjur lake which is pretty much empty or has less water throughout the year. Thus the treated water can be used for irrigation on its way to Palar river. The STP is assisted with SPS to pump the sewage to higher regions. There are 3 SPS proposed in this subproject placed in Kangeyanallur, Viruthampattu and Sathuperi.

As the Irrigation canal is going to carry the treated water and surface runoff water during rainy season the water level alters with altering seasons. The canals are wide to be used as potential open spaces with integration of soft and hard landscapes which allows percolation of water into the ground level. The irrigation canal runs to a length of 15 km from kalinjur to Thiuvalam with 2km stretch running across the site connecting major school routes. Cycling route and tracks can be provided with raised ground level along the canal which can be used by school kids and economical weaker section as they are the only group using cycle in present time. This can promote pedal transportation in near future. Running a long distance through various wards the water carried gets polluted which can be cleaned using introduction of constructed wetlands.

The canal runs along the Katpadi region varying in width and depth. The Irrigation canal is divided into six zones based on the width, depth, type of landscape and, the neighbourhood it runs along. The Irrigation canal runs through different contours varying in width and depth. The cross section area of the canal has to be maintained as 6 sq.m to carry the maximum amount of water 19 cumecs that can be opened from Kalinjur lake at flood times. Running along the city the canal is concretised for quicker runoff and easy cleaning and maintainance. With the new govt. underground drainage proposal the irrigation canal doesn’t have to carry sullage and sewage anymore. which creates an opputunity to create recreational and potential open spaces for the city with incorporation of cycle tracks, pavements, seaters etc.

Design Proposals

Zone 1

Concrete -Wide

The Irrigation canal starts from Kalinjur lake, the initial low lying areas of the canal have slums on both sides. The existing canal is used as a dump yard. The design proposal is to reduce the water channel and have planter boxes and seaters in the remaining area to invite people to use the canal as a backyard.

Zone 2

Concrete -Deep

The Irrigation canal runs through a deep concrete canal past the slum. The canal is empty and unused for almost 8 months, instead can be used for recreational activities. The Design proposal is to have multilevel recreational spaces that can be used in almost every season with altering water level.

Zone 3


The Irrigation canal channels down to a narrow wetland as it enters the household neighbourhood. In the existing state, wetlands are grown wild and hard to maintain. The design proposal is to transform the zone into constructed wetland and introduce cycle lane along the constructed wetland.

Zone 4

Closed Canal

The Irrigation canal channels reaching the commercial spine gets closed with concrete planks as the streets are lined with commercial shops. The design proposal is to construct an underground trench below and use the slab of the trench as pathways and cycling track. The canal crosses the Chitoor - Bagayam road past this zone.

Zone 5


The Irrigation canal passing the NH enters the residential neighbourhood's backyard. No houses have opened pathways on the canal side, it's just plain walls. The design proposal is to shift the water channel to one side and introduce pathway on the other. This could attract student a ttention as it's on the way to nearby schools.

Zone 6


The Irrigation canal gets passed the Katpadi region through deep-wide wetland passage along the road to Auxillium college. The existing condition is unusable and prone to accidents but has a good number of rain trees. The design proposal is to have a cantilevered deck housing seaters thus hiding half the canal.
