Kambipadu Complex

Kambipadu is the old Dhanushkodi town that was devastated by the cyclone, Only a few ruins stand as testimony to the existence of the lost town. The Old Railway station is covered with shrubs and bushes. Other ruins like the Water tank, Church have turned out to be a centre of attraction for the visitors. Thatch shacks are put up along the road. and on the farther eastern side is the isolated fishing community.

Dhanushkosi Memorial | Fishibg Interpretation center | Handicraft training centre and market| Bird watching tower | Light house | OAT

Thesis Project | Ar.R.M.Valliappan

These abandoned ruins have a compelling beauty and attract visitors towards them. Three kinds of visitors visit DhanushKodi namely nature lovers, Pilgrims, and researchers. Conflict of Vehicular and Pedestrian movement occurs near the hotspots as there is no regulation on the vehicular entry or structured pedestrian movement to a certain level.

The Old Railway station, the water tank, and the highland adjacent to the water tank were identified as potential pocket spaces for Design interventions.New Tramline is laid on the same alignment of the old rail line. The Visitors are funneled out through the new Railway station complex ie. Dhanushkodi Interpretation Centre while ensuring privacy to the school nearby. The visitors are taken to the Birdwatching tower, Dhanushkodi Memorial, and a Handicraft Market through connecting pathways.

The Interpretation Centre is located as such it does trail pathway and promotes interaction between the community and visitors. The Memorial Plaza is extended into the lagoon, the northern rose aggressively during the storm surge and swept the town then. The handicraft Training centre and the market is placed adjacent to the community for ease of access and usage. The lighthouse is placed within the market complex only for ease of visiting.


Dhanuhskodi Interpretation Centre

Arrival point is where the visitors are dropped in the Kambipadu site. The arrival plaza is shaded with solar panel roof structure supported by wooden post and beams generating solar power for the tram station. The Vistors are channelled between the two admin block to the entrance plaza.

The visitors are channelled into the entrance plaza which extends a view towards the lagoon through an archway. The Central spine runs to the length of the Old Railway station complex. The Pedestrian pathway is hard stone-paved and has few pockets of soft scapes where trees are planted. The Pavement is provided all around the ruin making the ruin only the exhibit here.

A lot of artifacts of the old Dhanushkodi port town are scattered in the coast, Idols of god are mostly found among the artifacts of Dhanushkodi, Wreckage of the Boat mall express and its derailed tracks still lay abandoned along the national highways. These artifacts are preserved and are put for display amidst the old railway station ruins.

The lost and abandoned history of Dhanushkodi and the devastation is displayed with a series of Photographs in the Dhanushkodi Interpretation Centre The Solar panel and Glass roof is supported by wooden beams spanning across the stone wall enclosure. Large glass windows open view towards the old railway station ruins.

Dhanushkodi is one of the places in Rameswaram where country boat fishing is still practised. A Fishing interpretation centre displaying and passing the Information on the techniques and nuances of country boat fishing. A Country boat sits as a symbolic representation by interrupting the axis of the central spine.

Bird Watching Tower

Bird watching tower sits in the middle of the lagoon which doesn't rise above knee height The Tower has a spiral ramp that is placed between two rings of wooden posts. Horizontal and Diagonal braces are provided between the two rings to hold the structure in the shape during harsh environmental conditions. The tower is wrapped with wooden louvers to harness the strong monsoon winds and to create a blind to hide the visitors from the sensitive migratory birds. Docking provisions and walkways are provided around the tower for kayaking services and community usage.


Dhanuhskodi Memorial

The Dhanushkodi Memorial is created along the slope stretching into the lagoon. The Memorial Pillar is placed in the middle of the northern water which swept away the entire town in midnight Memorial stories are erected for the ones who lost their lives in the devastation

Memorial Pillar of the 1964 Rameswaram cyclone is shifted to Kambipadu from MR Chathiram and a memorial garden is created along the slope from the road level to the lagoon. This new memorial can be used during the Remembrance day 23, Dec every year for the ones who lost their lives to the natural disaster.


Handicraft Market

The market complex is designed with vaulted units housing different functions like shops, training centre, admn. pavilion, restrooms With a slight alteration to better fit the function. These units are placed around an open court directing towards the OAT which houses the Light and sound show during the sunset.

The visitors are taken to the handicrafts market complex from the Old water tank ruin through a food Court. The food court provides with seafood that is supplied by the local fishermen. Separate Ramp entry is also provided along the perimeter of the OAT.

The women welfare association has tie-up with local NGO who teach and train the locals with handicraft making from seashells. The training centre can become a hub for the development of the women of the Dhanushkodi town as the commercial scope of the market is very much high.

The Open-air theatre is placed such that is gets a panoramic view of the church lanceller ruins facing the Indian ocean. Light and sound show can be hosted during sunset in the OAT elevate the experience of the visitor



Entrance Complex


Vibishan Temple Complex


Kambipadu Complex
